The following is a breakdown of phases organized to leverage synergies between the three individual planning efforts (Downtown Master Plan; Parks, Trails, and Open Space Plan; and Comprehensive Plan). The goal and outcome of this Plan is to facilitate a seamless sequence of activities, effective flow, and conduct a successful integrated process. The organization is based on four different phases: Discovery, Vision, Exploration and Innovation, and Action Plan Development. Below are the 4 overall phases the planning process will entail:
PHASE 1: This is designed to kick off all three planning efforts and orient the community, committees, and stakeholders to the planning scope and process, establishing clear goals and clear working relationships. This phase will also include a deep analysis of findings and background data.
PHASE 2: This phase’s goal is to integrate Faribault Vision 2040 three planning efforts in order to provide guidance for the following phases. This phase will also allow the public to review findings and learn about on-going or past planning efforts.
PHASE 3: This phase will create design options for the Downtown Master Plan and Parks, Trails, and Open Space Plan efforts. The Comprehensive Plan will begin to explore components of the development plan including sub area plans that have been identified by the committees, community, and stakeholders.
PHASE 4: This last phase will focus on the final stage of developing an action plan for each of the three planning efforts including steps for implementation, strategies for phasing, and providing next steps for potential funding strategies.
Effective community engagement is essential for good public decision-making and will be critical to understanding needs, developing the three planning efforts for Faribault Journey to 2040. The Community Engagement Plan (CEP) will serve as a guide for the engagement of community stakeholders, residents and businesses during the planning processes. The purpose of the CEP is to document the tasks related to stakeholder and public engagement that will be undertaken during the preparation of the Downtown Master Plan, The Parks, Trails, and Open Space Plan, and the Comprehensive Plan Update. In general, the intent of the community engagement process will be to be proactive rather than reactive, and to work closely with local communities to build on their successes and to empower people to engage in this as well as other future public initiatives.
The specific outreach activities and the outreach tools that will be used will be customized for each of the planning efforts based on input from the Project Oversight Committee and the Steering Committees, with direction from the City Council as needed or desired.
Please subscribe to receive information on upcoming community events. If you have specific questions about the Community Engagement Plan, please contact Dave Wanberg (City Planner), whose contact information is provided below.
David Wanberg, AICP City Planner 208 NW 1st Avenue Faribault, MN 55021 Direct: 507-333-0350 General: 507-334-0100 dwanberg@ci.faribault.mn.us